Our unique style of Online Hypnotherapy is as effective as in person face-to-face hypnotherapy consultations.

Sometimes called Online Hypnosis or Hypnosis Online, Skypenosis or Skype Hypnosis, Home Hypnosis, Telehealth, Ehealth, Remote Hypnotherapy, Virtual Hypnosis, all that is required is a good internet connection and computer, tablet, mobile phone or laptop with a camera and microphone and we are good to go!

If you are in lockdown, self-isolating, working from home or office and would simply like to resolve or overcome your issues with hypnosis, we are here to help! Currently our Online Hypnotherapy clients include those in our local community impacted by COVID-19, as well as clients from interstate, overseas and in country areas.

Online Hypnotherapy has made our traditional highly reviewed, life changing face-to-face Clinical Hypnotherapy accessible to just about anyone.

Clients who have benefited from our hypnotherapy services online include those in remote areas, interstate and abroad, clients with health or medical conditions that prevent travel, such as social phobia, driving phobia, public transport phobia and those who prefer the comfort and convenience of being in their own home or space.
Ideally, you’ll have a place where you won’t be disturbed for the duration of our appointment, can relax and is visible from your chosen device – computer, tablet, mobile phone or laptop.
Through ONLINE HYPNOTHERAPY, Clinical Hypnotherapist Samantha Jones can help you with:
Alcohol Anger management/emotional release Anxiety (inc. panic attacks) Bad habits Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Depression Destructive Patterns of Behaviour & Sabotage Eating Disorders Fears & Phobias Fertility Problems Gender Issues Grief & Loss IBS, IBD, etc. Marriage, Couples & Relationships Counselling Medical Issues Memory, Focus, Concentration, Motivation & Performance OCD Pain Management & Healing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Preparing for Childbirth Self-Esteem & Self-Confidence Sexual Problems (Women Only) Sleep Disorders / Insomnia Smoking Cessation Stress Weight LossFeel free to call or text any questions you may have, and for your convenience, appointments can be made online.
See you online soon!
Book online now or contact us to discuss your particular needs and/or make an appointment